DC Udhampur reviews functioning of Childline service at City Advisory board meeting
Publish Date : 24/12/2021
DC Udhampur reviews functioning of Childline service at City Advisory board meeting
UDHAMPUR, DECEMBER-24:- Deputy Commissioner, Udhampur today chaired a meeting of City Advisory Board (CAB) members to review the functioning of the Childline service in the District.
The meeting was attended by Senior Superintendent of Police, Vinod Kumar; Assistant Commissioner Labour, Pradyot Gupta,; District Social Welfare Officer, Nawaz Sharief; Chief Medical Officer, Dr K C Dogra; CEO, Arvin Kumar besides representatives of city advisory board of childline.
A threadbare discussion was held on Activation of District Task Force, Issuance of circulars from different departments, Installation of Childline hoarding in Municipality areas, Display of Childline logo (1098) on educational institution and OPD slips, Issues of child begging and rag pickers, Vide publicity of Childline helpline number (1098) through print & Electronic media, Poverty and Orphan child, domestic violence, sexual abuse, children employed in hazardous occupation, domestic helps, Un-educated dropouts, Missing children, Runway child, Child trafficking, Child abuse, and Labour, Child marriage, Abandoned child, Child in conflict with law, Child in need of care & protection etc discussed in detail.
The CMO and CEO were asked to ensure display of toll free Childline help number 1098 in all the educational and health institutions for awareness among the students and general public. The DC emphasized on stakeholder departments viz Police, School Education, ICDS, Social Welfare, Labour, Health etc to ensure displaying of the Childline Helpline no 1098 at prominent locations of their respective institutions.
She exhorted upon all the members of City Advisory Board of Childline to work in coordination and take all possible steps for rehabilitation of children. She called for maintaining close coordination among the different departments and agencies to safeguard the rights of the Child, besides providing they care and protection to those in distress.
DC urged parents, teachers and general public of the District to immediately contact childline help number 1098 in case if they found any case of child abuse and instead of trying to hide child abuse cases help these children to get justice.