
Govt. High School Dhandal

School Name PM SHRI Govt. High School Dhandal
Udise Code 01100901403    
Zone Ghordi Tehsil Ramnagar
Block Jaganoo Village Dhandal
Assembly Constituency Chenani-Ghordi District Udhampur
Area of school in Kanal 2 Kanal
Latitute 32.873279 Longitute 75.214129
Total Population Benefits 1500
School Founded on 1958 (Primary)
School Upgraded upto Middle 1981
School Upgraded upto Secondary 2003
Total Students 216
Total Boys 106
Total Girls 110
Total CWSN 0
Teaching Staff 8
Non-Teaching Staff 3
Other Teacher Staff 4(Attached from other school)
Trade 1 Plumbing
Trade 2 Tourism & Hospitality


No. Of Classrooms 6
ICT Labs 1
Science Lab 1
Internet Facility Yes
Library Yes but Room not Available
Playground Area 900 square feet
Furniture Yes
Ramp Yes

Inter district/Zone tournaments in

  1. Kho-Kho
  2. Kabaddi
  3. Volleyball
  1. Kala-Utsav (folk song & Dance)

Name of HOI : Anita Devi

Contact Number: 9419216515

Email id :