School Name | PM SHRI Govt. High School Dhandal | ||
Udise Code | 01100901403 | ||
Zone | Ghordi | Tehsil | Ramnagar |
Block | Jaganoo | Village | Dhandal |
Assembly Constituency | Chenani-Ghordi | District | Udhampur |
Area of school in Kanal | 2 Kanal | ||
Latitute | 32.873279 | Longitute | 75.214129 |
Total Population Benefits | 1500 | ||
School Founded on | 1958 (Primary) | ||
School Upgraded upto Middle | 1981 | ||
School Upgraded upto Secondary | 2003 |
Govt. High School Dhandal
Total Students | 216 |
Total Boys | 106 |
Total Girls | 110 |
Total CWSN | 0 |
Teaching Staff | 8 |
Non-Teaching Staff | 3 |
Other Teacher Staff | 4(Attached from other school) |
Trade 1 | Plumbing |
Trade 2 | Tourism & Hospitality |
No. Of Classrooms | 6 |
ICT Labs | 1 |
Science Lab | 1 |
Internet Facility | Yes |
Library | Yes but Room not Available |
Playground Area | 900 square feet |
Furniture | Yes |
Ramp | Yes |
Inter district/Zone tournaments in
- Kho-Kho
- Kabaddi
- Volleyball
- Kala-Utsav (folk song & Dance)
Name of HOI : Anita Devi
Contact Number: 9419216515
Email id :